Monday, August 26, 2013

My Editor

As I work on the finishing touches to my upcoming novel, Lost Witness, I feel it's only fitting to publicly acknowledge my editor. I rarely accept her suggestions, but my rejection fails to dampen her helpful spirit as she tirelessly continues to propose manuscript changes. She also remains the only individual who has ever figured out how to access the usability options on my laptop. Thankfully, she didn't alter any of them (to my knowledge).

Anna Belle, although you're not formally acknowledged in my next release, I truly do appreciate your dedication to editing my works. Absent your contributions, my novel would in large part be exactly the same (unless you've snuck in some changes that I've regretfully failed to notice), but the writing process would almost certainly be less enjoyable without you.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Lost Witness" Giveaways

Welcome to my blog! To celebrate the upcoming release of my new humorous mystery novel, Lost Witness, I'm running two giveaways through September 28, 2013. Goodreads is hosting the paperback giveaway, and if you're a fan of free books (because, really, who isn't?) you may want to check out their other giveaways as well. They host hundreds of them. While you're there, feel free to friend me since, unfortunately, Goodreads discourages me from contacting giveaway participants directly.

The purpose of the giveaways is to drum up interest in my new novel and hopefully generate some reader reviews. As an indie author, I rely heavily on reader reviews and word-of-mouth to increase awareness of my work. If you've read my previous novel, Lethal Injection, or plan to read Lost Witness, please consider posting an honest review of the work on Goodreads, Amazon, and/or wherever you prefer. I really am most grateful for any reviews readers are willing to share and in exchange you will hold a special place in my heart. There may even be some thankful weeping involved. Even simple reviews ("I loved/liked/didn't like/hated this book.") are appreciated.

Okay, that's enough groveling for my inaugural post. I really do hope you'll check out my giveaways and best of luck to everyone who enters!